"I have experienced chronic back pain for two decades due to a herniated disc (L5-S1). The herniation went from 3mm to 14mm. Before meeting Dr. Johnny, the pain was much greater and the pain intervals were much closer and much more frequent. Throughout the years, before Dr. Johnny's treatments, I had bounced around from primary care physicians to physical therapists, and from chiropractor to chiropractor of course! They all pretty much said the same things to me; which are, 'There's nothing that I can do for you', or 'You will have to have surgery'. After being down very often from the physical pain and emotional stress, I actually started to believe the previous doctors and I felt defeated and hopeless. I seriously started contemplating back surgery!
One day, my wife joined a local gym and she was hearing a lot of positive positive feedback from her gym colleagues about a chiropractor named Dr. Johnny and my wife tried encouraging me to go see him, but I was defeated mentally already and didn't care to see any more doctors, because I was pretty sure they were going to say the same thing. Anyway, a few weeks later, I suffered another flare-up and somehow some way, I decided to give Dr. Johnny a try. My wife drove me to his location. Once I got there, I could barely get out of the car let alone walk, but I made it to his office. Once there, Dr. Johnny gave me his unique treatment and taught me how to stretch my back and how and when to use ice or heat to treat myself and manage my pain. I knew then and there that there was something different about this doctor.
He was very detailed and specific as to what he wanted me to do to manage my pain between visits to his office. I was very impressed by him! I have never met a doctor in my life that was so loving, caring, and tender with his patients. I did everything he told me to do to get better. Sure enough, I started feeling better and better as days, weeks, months, and eventually years went by. Needless to say, in the last two decades, this is the best I have ever felt and I thank God that he put Dr. Johnny in my life. Please don't hesitate to visit him. It may change your life like it has mine."
- Gerry
One day, my wife joined a local gym and she was hearing a lot of positive positive feedback from her gym colleagues about a chiropractor named Dr. Johnny and my wife tried encouraging me to go see him, but I was defeated mentally already and didn't care to see any more doctors, because I was pretty sure they were going to say the same thing. Anyway, a few weeks later, I suffered another flare-up and somehow some way, I decided to give Dr. Johnny a try. My wife drove me to his location. Once I got there, I could barely get out of the car let alone walk, but I made it to his office. Once there, Dr. Johnny gave me his unique treatment and taught me how to stretch my back and how and when to use ice or heat to treat myself and manage my pain. I knew then and there that there was something different about this doctor.
He was very detailed and specific as to what he wanted me to do to manage my pain between visits to his office. I was very impressed by him! I have never met a doctor in my life that was so loving, caring, and tender with his patients. I did everything he told me to do to get better. Sure enough, I started feeling better and better as days, weeks, months, and eventually years went by. Needless to say, in the last two decades, this is the best I have ever felt and I thank God that he put Dr. Johnny in my life. Please don't hesitate to visit him. It may change your life like it has mine."
- Gerry
"El Dr. Johnny hace excelente trabajo. Gracias a el, en dia puedo caminar! Les comento que hace 2 anos me dio un fuerte dolor de espalda baja y rodilla el cual no me permitia caminar bien y asisti co el doctor primario y me mando hacer una radiografia y fue ahi cuando me canalizo con un orthoperdico y solo me recomendo absoluto reposo y de esta manera mi situacion empeoro porque deje de caminar y lo unico que hizo fue mandarme con un doctor del dolor y me aplicaron 3 inyecciones para el dolor fuerte pero nada me funciono. Me mandaron hacer un MRI y mi resultado fue que tenia un disco (L5-S1) herniado. Todos los doctores k consulte me dijeron que necesitaba cirugia. Pero nuevmente le comento que gracias al Dr. Johnny, mi vida dio un giro de 360 grados porque desde el primer dia vi los resultados ya pude dormir y empece a caminar incluso ya regrese a trabajar. Tambien les comento que a mis familiares y amigos los atendio y estan muy felices por los resultados que obtuvieron."
- Arsenia
- Arsenia
"I have been going to Dr. Johnny for the past 4 years. To say he has changed my life is a massive understatement. I came to him with severe back pain, slipped discs, and very painful sciatica. I could barely move and was absolutely miserable. Before seeing Dr. Johnny, I went to my primary care doctor, who told me I needed surgery, and that I 'would never be able to exercise again'. This news was devastating as I am in my early 20's. I went to Dr. Johnny, and after a few months of work, he literally healed me with his hands! No surgery, just his incredible skill. He has saved me from a life filled with surgeries, addictive pain pills, and laziness. He has taught me how to truly take care of my body. I feel like a brand new person. I am very active, healthy, in ZERO pain, and it's all thanks to Dr. Johnny! I will forever be grateful for the amazing work he has done on me, and the knowledge he has given me. There is no one better than him!"
- Sydney
- Sydney
"It's hard to put into words the impact Dr. Johnny has had on my health. I started seeing him 4 years ago on the verge of shoulder surgery, finger surgery, and with severe neck pain. I thought to myself that at the very least, he would help alleviate some of my neck pain. Little did I know, he would start me on a treatment plan that was nothing short of miraculous. His kind heart, healing hands, and profound knowledge of the body were enough to remedy all of my injuries. After receiving his treatment, following his exercise and stretching assignments, and applying his supplement and lifestyle recommendations, I am a new man. I went from being in tears of pain, and not knowing how I was going to provide for my family to a healthy, exuberant individual. I ended up not needing any surgeries. I now enjoy an active lifestyle, capable of pursuing any activity I wish. Dr. Johnny is a one of a kind healer. Thank you Doc!"
- JJ
- JJ
"I am an avid CrossFit participant and an extremist in physical activities. My body over the years has shown signs of fatigue and imbalance. I would mentally block out the discomfort, and push harder to challenge my limits. I met Dr. Johnny after a training session that left me literally crawling in agony as my back had locked up. He took me into his office and started working on me. I could immediately tell his was different than anything I had been exposed to at that point. Dr. Johnny put an emphasis on understanding my body and swiftly working towards educating me on how to improve it. Within a few sessions, he got my body working efficiently. I have yet to encounter a doctor that puts his heart and soul into his craft."
- Neemia
- Neemia
"I was initially referred to Dr. Johnny for some neck pain after a night of sleeping on it awkwardly. Dr. Johnny's unique treatment style includes muscle work and an adjustment, which relieved a ton of neck tension I have had building up for years. That is what working on a computer for hours a day does to your body and I would not have become so aware if it had not been for Dr. Johnny. Not only did he address my neck pain, but he also addressed a hip and knee issue that I suffered from for years because I just thought I had to live with it. His treatment, advice, and guidance have also helped improve my performance in the gym. If you are looking for a chiropractor, try him out. Your body will definitely thank you!"
- Karen
- Karen
"I've seen multiple chiropractors before, but Dr. Johnny was the only one that not only healed me, but taught me how to stay healed on my own (with exercises, stretches, etc.). As a personal trainer and avid gym goer, it's very important for me to understand all of the intricacies of my body and how to truly care for it so I can perform my best. That knowledge has also allowed me to help my clients build the strength and protection they need from injury. I appreciate how he explains both his treatment while he treats you, and why he is implementing his techniques. That to me shows that he is knowledgeable and trustworthy in his work on me and with his other patients. My back has never felt better and it's only been up from the first visit! "
- Leigha
- Leigha
"I first met Dr. Johnny 5 years ago after I was in a car accident. I was introduced to him and his magic hands (and I mean MAGIC!). He has helped me so much throughout my CrossFit and heavy weightlifting career. He gives you pointers on movements and stretches to help you move faster and appropriately without pain. I hurt my wrist about 2 months ago and as of a couple of weeks (~5 visits) I've been pain free. Getting worked on by Dr. Johnny has really changed my day to day life. I am so grateful for him and his magic hands. "
- Sonia
- Sonia
"Dr. Johnny is an amazing and knowledgeable Chiropractor! He is super nice and incredibly friendly.
I do a lot of heavy weightlifting and my mobility has been so much better now thanks to his advice on stretching before and after. He really focuses on the spots you have problems with and gives a lot of great suggestions to improve on your day to day activities.
I recommend him 1000000%! Must visit!"
- Pablo
I do a lot of heavy weightlifting and my mobility has been so much better now thanks to his advice on stretching before and after. He really focuses on the spots you have problems with and gives a lot of great suggestions to improve on your day to day activities.
I recommend him 1000000%! Must visit!"
- Pablo
"Dr. Johnny is very knowledgeable, detailed, and makes sure you understand your pain and how to fix it. He is a highly qualified chiropractor who truly cares about his patients."
- Leslie
- Leslie